Dewi the Artist

I’m a freelance illustrator who specialises in creating maps to go in the front matter of books – though I can work with a wide range of styles, and can produce both digital and hand-drawn pieces. I’ve created well over 100 maps for my clients: a small sample of my work can be seen below, and more can be found on my portfolio page. For pricing and other details, head to my commissions page.

Dewi the Writer

On top of my freelance work, I’m also a writer! My short story ‘Maccabeus’ won 2nd place in Grindstone Literary’s Open Prose Competition 2017, and my short fiction has been published by Lost Boys Press, Noctivagant Press, and Etherea Magazine, and my short stories appear in several independently-edited anthologies. I self-published my short story collection, The Shield Road, in 2021.

You can find more information about my published work here:

About Me

If you’re curious to know more about me, you can find my about me page below, which contains links to the various interviews I’ve done across the internet!

You can also find my Medium blog, where I use my knowledge of freelancing, self-publishing and small presses to help fledgling authors on their writing journey.

And finally, there’s a link to my newsletter, where you can expect regular updates on what I’m doing and my recent publications! (I promise never to spam you with useless things.)